What's In My Ears

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Another Nouveau clip

Here's another clip I've written recently. I didn't have enough room in my last post, but I thought it was still worth putting out there.

A floorboard creaked at the end of the hall.

Too late. It was too late. I was already crouching next to the wall without any doors close enough to duck into.

I restrained the erg to get up and run. To hide under the nearest bed or something. Instead, I forced myself to stay still and take quiet, shallow breaths. At least I still had the covver of night.

Whoever it was flicked on a light switch.


I slowly looked over my shoulder, expecting the worst. Instead I saw a young woman, a girl, standing there with a toddler balanced on her hip. She had light brown hair and bright green eyes. They stared at me as I stared back at them, both sides stunned into silence.

I knew who the girl was. Sarah Moxely. I'd known of her but hadn't actually seen her until then. She was Moxely's newest wife, and though the Council often lied about their wives' true ages, nothing could have prepared me for how young Sarah really was. Her profile may have said that she was twenty, but the girl standing in front of me was no older than myself. Sixteen or seventeen years old and she already had a child of her own.

I turned my gaze to the child. Yes. There was no mistake. The child had to be hers. He had the same shade of brown hair and same mystified eyes. Unfortunately, Maximillien was there too. The boy had the same strong jaw and high, regal-looking cheekbones.

Bitterness burned inside me. So dear Max finally had his beloved son. I didn't even know the boy, but at that moment I hated him enough to claw his eyes out.

Sarah hesitantly cleared her throat, which saved me from the horrible thoughts I had for the boy and his father.

"Y-you're Katana...aren't you?" she whispered.

"If you already know who I am, why are you asking?"

Sarah didn't say anything, probably waiting for me to pull out a gun or something.

I stood up to my full height. Sarah took a half-step back.

I sighed, "I'm not going to kill you, and though I'd like to kill the boy, I don't think that'd do me much good."

"His name is Nathan," Sarah said dumbly, though she did seem to relax a little. Nathan just sat in the girl's arm looking at me, silently sucking his thumb.

I started inching myself backwards towards the room I entered through.

Sarah noticed. She took a step towards me.

"Why did you come here?" she asked me curiously.

I didn't answer, just took another step backwards. Sarah took one more towards me.

"I won't tell anyone. I just want to know," Sarah persisted.

One more step, I thought. One more step and I'm through the door.

Sarah seemed to notice this too and lunged for me, trying to grab my arm. I slipped past her outstretched hand and bolted into the room. I ran to the open window, jumped through it, and ran off into the night.

"I know who you are!" I heard Sarah call out at me.

This stopped me dead. She'd already made it clear that she knew that I was Katana. So why say that she knew who I was? Unless...unless she knew who I was. Who I really was. Who almost no one else even knew existed.

I looked back at Sarah. She was leaning out the window with a serious look on her face.

I took a deep breath, trying not to show that I was close to a panic, and slid into the shadows.

*head desk*

Wow, how long has it been since I last wrote? Its funny how I start almost all my blogs off like that nowadays, but oh well. Life is busy, but life goes on.

Anywho, about Nouveau... Things are going slowly. I started on ch. 2, but then I hit a wall (ouch). A lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm still confused on the layout for the Nouveau series. I could easily make it a trilogy, but I love the titles too much! I could never sacrifice even one of them! So then I thought about simply adding to the story; adding more twists and turns to it. There are 2 problems with that though: 1) I suck eggs at adding twists to a story. I need help! 2) do you think that makes the story TOO long? I wonder if the story would be too boring then. However, my characters provide most of the interest in my story, Katana particularly. Which brings me to my next problem: when should my readers officially learn about Katana's father (the fact that her daddy is the most hated person in the story)? Should I really drop hints through 4 books? You'd think they'd find out about it before then. Plus, in the third book, Katana goes to a meeting with Moxely (her dad) and its kinda obvious that they're related. *exasperated sigh* I don't know...I really need outside opinions.

I have some clips I've written recently though:

I'll start with my favorite:

...And then she smiled darkly at me. She stared at me through beautiful, cold eyes that seemed eager for a fight.

That's when I knew.

That's when I realized how formidable of an opponent Katana could truly be.

In her eyes I saw a confidence that couldn't be thwarted; I saw no fear of death; and I saw no fear of killing.

In her eyes I saw every other man who had fallen under the weight of her gaze, and how few lived to wake up screaming at the memory.

That was something I thought up one morning before school. Its from Aidan's point of view, so I need to change it to 3rd person.

Next up: a prologue I wrote for Cage Rattlers

I ran.

I ran so hard and so long that my chest seared with useless, dry air. My bare, scraped feet throbbed with every pound against the rough, hard pavement. I felt as though I'd be sick. But I ran anyway.

I ran from my enemies. I ran from myself. And I ran from nothing. I ran for miles, passing countless buildings, only to return to my spot once again. And still I kept running.

Fear coursed inside me as thick as the blood that ran next to it. I didn't know why, but I had to run, to get away. So I ran. I ran and ran and ran until I collapsed. Familiar, hated voices came at me then. Then mocked me. Spat at me. Beat me, telling me everything I feared and knew to be true. They confirmed my darkest suspicions and labeled me by them. Then, when they were finally through, they moved in to finally end me.

I woke with a start. My breath was heavy and ragged as if I had actually run for hours. Sweat slid down my face, arms, and chest in beads.

I was only partially a dream though.

The rest was real.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed that! Give lots and lots of comments!!! Even more critiques please!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wow, its been a while

I didn't realize how long it'd been since I'd been on last until I saw how much everyone else had been posting. Anywho, I finally wrote something I like! I haven't been writing much anyway, but I was inspired last night and wrote this. I hope you enjoy it as much as me! Of course, I may be overreacting.

I was so mad. Not mad. I was hysterically and irrationally furious. I don't think I'd ever been this insanely irritated before. I wanted to pull my hair out and throw every piece of furniture I could find across the room. I wanted to break the faces of anybody, everybody, and anything I laid eyes on. I wanted to break something, anything as long as it would provide a satisfying crack, bang, boom, or whatever at the end of it all.

Oh I hated Azzo.

I hated him for those piercing dark brown eyes of his. I hated how he always knew what to say and how to say it so that I always felt like every other girl. Innocent, soft, and always capable of being loved and forgiven. Why did he have to make me feel that way? Couldn't he see me for what I am? Guilty, cold, and deserving the worst punishment in Hell for all the lies I'd told, the lives I'd stolen, and the hatred I'd carried with me my entire life. Why couldn't he just tell me I was wrong and I was stupid and I was nobody, no good, a liar, a murderer, a snake, a thief, a rogue, a villain, heartless, soulless, and incapable of love, trust, or kindness in any way shape or form? Why couldn't he slap me on the face and tell me all the things I knew to be true?

Instead he told me this: that I was strong and good and honorable and brave and...human. He told be that I was hopeful and valiant. He told be I was loved.

He looked at me with those knowing brown eyes and told me I was flawed, but weren't we all? He told me that I would fight passed all those demons that weighed me down and that nothing could ever stand in my way.

He told me that I was the hero, not the villain. Could that even be possible? Could hero and villain possibly inhabit the same body and mind? A girl who viciously and without mercy attacked unsuspecting victims, but at the same time she'd saved the day?

I didn't know what to believe anymore. And I hated that. I'd always known what I was and what I wasn't. And now, because of Azzo, I didn't know anymore. And I hated that. I hated that more than anything.

I punched the brick wall next to me so hard that I heard the satisfying crack of a bone in my hand breaking.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Okay, I need some serious opinions. I've been playing with ideas for AF again (ha, like I ever actually stop). More specifically I've been considering the setting.

You already know that it takes place in a futuristic society not really related in anyway to our reality. You also know that this is a written novel and not a graphic novel. So, I've been wondering exactly how futuristic I should make the story. See, if I make it super futuristic like one of Orson Scott Card's novels about the future of Earth, it requires a stronger basis for the setting, like basing in in Earth's future or on a planet most people are familiar with. If I just have a random super futuristic setting that's unrelated to anything and I'm using gadgets that some people might not understand, I'm just going to leave my reader's so confused they forget what the story's about, much less what's happening in it.

Therefore, I'm thinking about making the setting a little more present day. Have my characters use more modern weapons and have the city resemble more of New York than a future city on Mars. I'm going to dial down the technology. Not a whole lot though. Aidan and his family are still going to be inventors for super gadgets, but when you think about it, the "super gadgets" that I have in mind are already in some sort of plans right now.

Also, if I'm toning down the technology a little, I've considered changing the whole attire of Katana. I don't know if you remember the very detailed appearance she has. It's very difficult to describe in a book. So, I think I'm going to take off her "headgear" (ha ha) and arm band thing-a-ma-gigs. I'm going to keep her hair down, and I think I'll add a black smear into her hair. When I look, Avril Lavigne actually looks a lot like what I imagine Katana to look like, especially with the blonde hair and pink smear. And I promise, I only just realized that a few weeks ago. I've been drawing Katana for a couple years now.

(see, she even has the hazel eyes!)

Anywho, I'll draw up a "new" Katana and send it to you M.

What do you think? In your honest opinion of a written novel, would you read it and be genuinely interested? Without all my explanations of things in the past, do you think the story would make sense to you? PLEASE REPLY

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Something people could benefit from:

I've realized something today that I think people will benefit from. A sort of wisdom I guess. Well, maybe not wisdom, but I sure wish I had somebody to tell me this. Be warned though, it's religious. Please don't stop reading though. I promise I'm not going to scream "may the power of Christ compel you" and smack you with a Bible. That would be bad.

But seriously, I think I finally, and truly, understand why people give their lives to God. I was always taught that you did that because you loved him (or her, but personally, I don't think God's controlled by gender). That's not wrong, that is part of it, it's not like I've been lied to my whole life, but I've realized the heart of the matter. It's not that people have such wonderful lives on Earth as Christians (because that's not true at all), it's that comparatively, life SUCKS without God in it.

When I was studying the Bible and was a new Christian in 7th and 8th grade, I was passionate for God. He was the first thought on my mind, I prayed to him in between classes, I was peaceful, content, and happy. Of course, things weren't perfect. A Christian's life never is. People think that Christians have it easy, that they go to church because it's the easy way out. But it isn't! It's a daily struggle. Is it worth it? In my experience on both sides...yes. I'd say that yes, it's worth every tear shed.

When I say "both sides", I mean that, in the past year especially, I've fallen out of the passion that I once had. It's not that God isn't worth getting excited about, no! I wish I could scream his goodness at the top of my lungs and talk seriously with my best friend about how much love she can find in him. It all sounds cliche, I know, but I can't stress the truth in it enough.

Anyhow, I haven't shown my excitement for God to either my friends, strangers, or even God. It's terrible. And I realized today that I'm miserable about it. Not guilty, my life is just weighted and meaningless. I go through the motions day to day. I smile, I laugh, but peace and contentment is never found. The things I never used to care much about like money and material, worldly crap are suddenly on my mind more than God. It's terrible. It's not the life I want to live, especially after I've experienced a life with God.

I don't know what to tell people who aren't already familiar with God. I just wish there was somebody there when I was baptized to tell me that I was making the right choice. Eternal life aside, I don't want to live any life here on Earth unless it's for my God in Heaven. I'd rather die. Let me put it this way: When a person is given the choice of servanthood or death, which are they going to choose? Or, when a person is given the choice of serving a kind master or being a slave to a cruel master who will beat you down mentally and physically every day, which are they going to choose? It's still serving, but when serving a kind master, the person has the opportunities of love, freedom, and rewards at the end of their time.

I don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone, but I'm telling the truth. The honest to God truth. And I want everyone out there to know that the lives you're living are petty and harder than they need to be. After all, Jesus once said (I can't remember the actually verse) "come to me all who are weary". And I feel very worn out. What about you?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Picture time!

I'm really bored, so I thought I'd post some semi-new stuff I got for AF. Be warned, its quite stupid.

See, I love photography and looking at pictures others have taken. You must also know that I absolutely ADORE cheesy phrases (although those aren't featured here) and lyrics to songs. So, what happened is that I thought one day, "hey, I think I'll go online and find pictures of people that I can use to represent some of my characters. And, while I'm at it, I'll find cheesy songs that represent them too. Genius!" So the product is this: (the songs I found have been accumulated into the playlist above and are songs for either Katana or Nouveau as a whole)

The pictures here of my characters are not exact by any means, but you get the basic idea. For instance, Katana's hair is usually tied back, Aidan does not have curly hair (but if you like it, that can change), and Azzo looks a couple years older than this. Anywho, on with the pictures:




Random other pictures that go along with AF:

So, did you like them? No, you probably thought it was a waste of a blog, but oh well. I wasted the time I needed. However, I actually do like this stuff, so if you like any of these pictures or have comments or even hate mail, please send it to me! Although, I'd rather not get the hate mail...

PS: these lovely photos are courtesy of DeviantArt.com

Friday, August 22, 2008


Gosh, I love high school. Usually I'm just annoyed by everyone, but this year I spend most of my day just laughing. For example, let me tell you about my day.

The history teacher I had last year is also the same one that I have for AP US History. She's so cool and our class has so much fun together (of course, it's also nice being in a class with only 8 other students in it ;D). Anywho, today was more funny than the usual. We were studying the early English colonies in the Americas (Roanoke, Newfoundland, Jamestown...) and in doing such, discussed some of the theorized reasons of what happened to Roanoke. And, I didn't know this, some people apparently actually believe that Roanoke and Atlantis are the same place. XD I got a kick out of that.

But even better yet: apparently there is a very large (like, gargantuan) difference between Walt Disney's version of Pocahontas and what actually happened. Now, most of this I already new, but I just found out the best details of the story today.

The Walt Disney Pocahontas:

The very handsome, very blonde-haired, blue-eyed John Smith comes to the Americas and meets the beautiful young woman Pocahontas. In the period of a few minutes, the two learn how to communicate in a complete language. In the period of a few days, the two fall into a love so deep that Pocahontas is determined that if John Smith is to die, so shall she. Then, in the movie's sequel, Pocahontas meets John Rolfe and journeys forth to England with him on a whim. The two slightly more slowly fall in love and on their way back to the New World, they share a kiss while venturing on towards the sunset. Aww.


John Smith was the only person in the Jamestown colony who cared enough about not dying of starvation (because everyone else was too concerned with finding gold). Pocahontas was 12 years old and bald (because Indian children had their heads shaved). They never fell in love. Years later, when Pocahontas is between the ages of 18 and 20, a war is going on between the English settlers and the Indians. The only thing that stalls this dispute is the marriage between Pocahontas and John Rolfe, although, there is belief that there was love in the relationship. The couple then spent a few years in England, but on the return trip, Pocahontas dies of illness. When the dispute between the settlers and Indians starts up again, John Rolfe can't help because he's too immersed in his tobacco industry.

Reality sucks.

Then, later on in Chemistry, we had a small quiz over different tools and such around the lab. One of the things on the quiz was a crucible (a crucible is a tiny bowl used for super-heating things). My teacher asked us if we new what the similarity between the crucible the object and The Crucible the book. No one knew. She then asked what The Crucible was about. Someone told her it was about the Salem witch trials. She then asked, knowing that, what we thought a crucible was for and someone muttered behind me, "Killing witches?" I burst out laughing, drawing much attention to myself.

*laughs* I don't know whether I've finally snapped, or if I'm just reasonably having fun.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, I don't have anything prepared to write and I certainly haven't written anything particularly interesting recently, so I'm just going to spout out all sorts of nonsense. How cool is that?

The most interesting thing I've done with AF is come up with some new quotes and random scenes (which I have yet to write out completely). Would you like to hear some of the quotes? Yes, of course you would. But I swear, if you steal them without my permission, I will rip out your spine and beat you with it. No joke.

"I'll sleep when I can sleep with both eyes closed." -Katana

"My life is a worst-case scenario. Plan on it." -Katana

"You're running on empty, Katana. You and the rest of Nouveau. You can't keep going like this forever." -Maximillien

"I'm not asking you to trust everyone Yoko, I'm just asking you to trust me." -Azzo

"What are you going to do?" (Ze) "We're going to give them hell." (Katana)

Yeah, they're not superb, but they'll do for now. I'm still frustrated with the character of Aidan. I keep calling him a main character and a good chunk of the story is told by him, but I don't "know him". I don't have a personality or a motive or anything for him! It's driving me crazy!! (Azzo, on the other hand, is starting to make me blush. I love him so much! *huggles Azzo*)

Speaking of awesome characters that make me blush. Let me rant about Fang and the rest of the totally wicked awesome series Maximum Ride by James Patterson. Yeesh. If you thought I was bad about the Twilight series, wait 'till I get going on Maximum Ride. A guy in my English class introduced me to it earlier this year (before the whole Twilight thing) and I swear it was love at first sight. Okay, maybe not that serious. But I do love the characters SO much and I have since the beginning. Especially Max (Maximum Ride, the girl after whom the book is titled) and Fang (the "tall, dark, and handsome" "strong and silent" type guy who has me gushing).

Now, just to be perfectly clear. Fang is not like Edward Cullen in any way shape or form. Actually, there isn't even much of a hint of a relationship between him and Max until the second book. And that's all their relationship really is. A hint. Stuff happens. But nothing serious. So M, don't be put off simply because I said that Fang has me gushing.

Back to the rest of the series. Did I met ion that absolutely adore this story? Of course, later in the series it becomes apparent that the villain that Max and the rest of the flock have to save the world from is global warming (ugh, gag me), but its still good enough to read. There were parts of the fourth book that had me laughing out loud (because of the global warming rants), but I swear, even with that, I still am totally in love with the story. Okay, not so much the story as the characters. The characters are so real and cool that they write the story themselves and cover up all the laughable global warming crap...and that's saying something!

Well, I think I've gone on talking long enough. So I'll leave you with this: THE MAXIMUM RIDE MOVIE WILL BE COMING OUT IN 2009/2010!!!!!!! WOOT!!

Oh, wait. Does anyone out there know how many times a person can burn so bad that they blister before they get melanoma? (hows that for random? ha!)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My computer's back!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. My computer got so messed up that it took Edward (the wonderful computer friend of my mom's at the library) two weeks to sort out. Ugh. It was so full of cookies that it could have opened up its own store....and it didn't even bother giving me any...TT_TT I love cookies...(lol)

Anywho, my computer's back and I really wish I had something better to post than my everyday life. Unfortunately, I don't. I haven't had any spare time to write anything new, although I have been thinking quite a bit (dangerous, I know). I was thinking more specifically about my AF series and the layout and titles. Even when I came up with the layout of the five books, I wasn't too thrilled with it. The first five books seemed dull and boring to me. I wasn't even excited about writing them, where I'm absolutely ecstatic to start writing the final two books. So, in thinking, I've almost decided that I'm going to combine the first book (Cage Rattlers) and the second book (Masquerade) into one complete novel and call the new complete novel one of the two original titles or something new that's completely awesome (which I have yet to think of). Then, I'd either add on to the third book (Catching Death) or give it parts of the former Masquerade. What do you think, M?

I've also thought about changing the titles of the last two books. The forth book is presently called Retribution, but the title sounds odd to me. Besides, the only retribution that occurs in the novel, is the apparent retribution that the Council has on Nouveau, and really, who wants that? I'm 99% sure now that I'm going to change the title to Running on Empty (if you want more info, talk to me).

The fifth book's title (Ultimatum) actually NEEDS a change though. See, there really isn't an ultimatum in the book at all, so why call it Ultimatum? Yeah, I don't know either. Anywho, I've had more trouble coming up with an alternative title for the final book. Today though, I finally narrowed the search down to three: A Chance to Die, Giving Hell, and Hell to Pay. They're all pretty dark titles, but the final books is probably the darkest. M, I need your help SO much with this. If you have any thoughts what-so-ever, I want to hear them!!

Well, that's all the major news I have. Although, I did just get home from driving in the rain. Now, of course that's really not such a big thing, but it is to me. About this time last summer, I was in the first car accident of my life. We (my dad, brother and I) were driving along the interstate in the pouring rain on our way from SC to IN. In Kentucky, we hydroplaned and hit a rock wall three times. Needless to say, it was fairly traumatic. And now I'm driving. In the rain. Naturally, I've driven in the rain before, but it was only sprinkling. Another thing you should know is that down here in the south, when it rains, it rains hard. Extreme outbursts of rain so thick you can't see more than four feet in front of you are common. So when I was driving this afternoon, it was pouring cats and dogs. No joke, I was shaking like a leaf the whole time. I nearly peed my pants. *laughs* But I lived! Thank God for that!

Oh, did I mention that the roads are terrible around here, so puddles the size of Lake Michigan form right in the middle of the road where unsuspecting drivers just graze right over ready to hydroplane? Yeah.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Epilogue (for Ultimatum)

So here I am again. I've come full circle.

I listen to the rustling of the bright green leaves and feel the lively spring breeze play through my hair and nestle against my skin. Everything is so much more pleasant than the first time I was here. Then, everything seemed dead and threatening. Then, everything was hopeless. Now, even these trees have found reason to celebrate.

Has it really been five years since the first time?

I find the tree I'm looking for and stop under its wide canopy. It's grown since I was last here. That's not surprising, of course, but I am surprised to see that the scar hasn't healed it its time. I smile as I reach up and touch that scar. The sword on my back seems so much heavier as I do.

Having seen the place where my nickname originated, I take a deep breath and peer around to the other side of the tree to where my passion originated. The area between two roots still seems depressed with the weight of a body. Of course, there's nothing there, but the essence of that man remains here. Here with my vow. Waiting for the fulfillment of that vow.

I smile down at the invisible figure of a dying man.

"It's done," I say.

Then, I take out my sword - this beautiful katana given to me five years ago - and push it into the soft soil beneath the tree. Then, I leave.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Something on my mind

For now, I consider myself an aspiring Hollywood film director. It's a big dream in itself, I know, but it's a hard dream as well. A hard dream for me.

You see, I'm a Christian. Not one of those sappy elitists who tell you to do something and then themselves do something different. No, I'm a Christian. I've lived my life for God through the good and bad for four, almost five years now. I love God and I try everyday to make my time here useful to him.

When I started studying the Bible, my dad worked with me and told me why he believed and such. After he told me his reasons though, he told me that they didn't matter. He told me that I needed to find my own reasons for why I believe and what I live for. He told me to find a verse in the Bible and use it as the doctrine for my life. Now, don't get me wrong, the entire Bible is my doctrine. I don't just pick and choose the parts I like. Anyhow, Daddy said that I should find one verse or passage that really sums things up for me. What my life is based on. But, as easy as that sounds, I've had a hard time finding something. I really have! I mean, I know why I believe. Give me the time of day and I'll be ecstatic to tell you all about it. However, I never really knew what my belief meant for my life. Not entirely anyway. Not until now. Recently, after nearly five years of looking, I finally found my verse.

"Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
- 1 Corinthians 10:31

And this brings be back to Hollywood. As you know, California is not known to be the most friendly place. Well, no, they do seem to be the most accepting people. Oh, you're gay? Don't worry, we love homosexuality. You refuse to get treatment for the drug problem you know you have? That's great! You just flushed your life down the toilet because of your arrogant, lying, cheating ways? No problem! Actually, it seems that the one thing they can't accept or get along with is Christianity.

So, this isn't exactly the best place for a person like me to be and stay true to what they believe. And yet, I march on. Right now, I'm not even sure why. All I know is that I want to do what I love and I want to glorify God in the process.

Am I afraid? I'm shaking in my boots. *laughs* And it sure didn't help when I was doing research on the filming industry. One book called Inside Hollywood had this to say about the people in the business: "Yet scoundrels abound: Lying is a common business practice, deception taken for granted, cheating often rewarded, greed a given." Then, just yesterday afternoon I was looking a bumper stickers on Facebook and found this sticker:

I will be attending the New York Film Academy in New York City. This is the world I'm going into.

Now, I could so easily back off and do something else. I could be a librarian, graphic designer, web page designer, mechanic, writer. All jobs that I have considered before. But, I promised myself that I wouldn't live the life everyone else lived. I want to do great things. Most importantly, though, I promised God that I would do his will, and I know his will for me is to overcome my fear and do my part in helping others come to know the God who is far better than some people allow him to be.

All in all, if comes to this: If I'm going to be a light to the world, I might as well go to a notoriously dark place. End of story.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I finished Ch. 1! How did that happen?

It's true! I actually finished writing the first chapter of AF: Cage Rattlers!! And I really don't know how it happened! I just sort of started working on pieces of it at the library just for the sake of writing and then POOF!! I finished up the chapter yesterday. I actually can't remember the last first chapter I wrote (and I have written many) that was actually good. I hope this isn't a bad omen for my story. Then again, I can't very well publish a story I haven't written.

Anywho, I now have something to post. It wasn't what I originally hoped to post, but that segment will come in its own time. In the mean time, I'll post part of my brand spankin' new chapter one!! Oh, and don't worry, M. You'll still be the first to read it (well, you're probably the only one who reads this blog anyway), I'll send you out a copy after I make revisions...'cause this is a very rough draft.

~Voila!! Chapter One: Captain (or at least a piece of it)~

Normally, the harbor was one of the few places in the city whose beauty remains intact. Its cerulean blue hue was so pure and perfect that it's easy to forget the city that lied just behind it. The ocean breeze would carry to the shore in just the perfect way, as sea breezes often do. The sun would sparkle and everything will be contented.

But not today. Today gray clouds loomed overhead with the threat of rain, the salty breeze was replaced with a late-winter chill, and the water, which usually satisfied every pleasure of the hand, only felt wet and cold. However, the weather only slightly depressed Aidan. He had seen worse things. Aidan ran his hand along the railing of the outlook, frightening the many seagulls that perched there. They squawked unhappily at him as they flew off in search for another rail.

As he curved around more shops, his destination came into view. It was just another outlook appearing just the same as every other one lining the cliff. Aidan supposed that was the point. All the same, Aidan continued on towards the designated outlook, but as a row of benches came into view, Aidan saw that someone was already sitting in the place where Aidan was supposed to meet his captain. The "someone" was a boy maybe a little younger than Aidan with shaggy silvery blonde hair. He was lying on his back with his hands behind his head across one of the benches staring up at the dark sky.

~Now here's another part for you!! (this is much later in the chapter)~

"As you can tell," Sebastien said breaking Aidan's train of thought, "we're part of Nine. Your new teammates."

"Part?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah, there are nine of us, including the captain, but now that you're here we're an even ten."

"Which is the limit to how high Sebastien can count," joked Oz. "So we'd better not get anyone else." Oz, Jed, and Sebastien erupted into laughter. Even Leon and Ace smiled.

"I might as well send you back to the country now if you're going to be chit-chatting rather than working," said a harsh female voice obviously directing her comments at Aidan. "And you," now referring to the others, "aren't you supposed to be doing something constructive?"

The others each went off to their previous positions.

Aidan turned around to see a tall, striking young woman who must have been a year, or perhaps even two years, younger than him. She stood just inside the door frame with her arms crossed, glaring at Aidan through icy hazel eyes. She wore a short dress with shorts underneath and bands covering her knees. Her long slivery blonde hair was held in two metallic shapes just behind and above her ears. The same types of metallic metal shapes were again used on her forearms as a sort of covering. Across her shoulder, she carried a brown leather sash, on which was a rectangular metal plate inscribed with .

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sometimes you just have to laugh

There are some things in life that are so stupid and/or terrible that you can't help but laugh. This and all the irony seems to be my greatest source of humor nowadays. Sure, I'd much rather laugh with M or make foghorn sounds with a slushy cup at Target, but that's simply not how my life is working right now.

And so I laugh at what I can:

One example just happened earlier this week, but apparently has been in the making since winter. In mid to late December, our heater upstairs broke. Alright, stop there. Let me clarify something. My house is two stories tall. We have two heating/air conditioning units, one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs. Now back to the story. So, our heater upstairs broke in the dead of winter. It wasn't too bad, being upstairs and all. I mean, we had heat downstairs so we weren't shivering as we ate and we just put extra blankets on our beds to sleep comfortably. The only problem was that the parts that were needed to fix the heating unit were being held up for some reason, so we kept on freezing. Finally, in early to mid February, the repair men got the needed part and fixed the heating unit. Of course, by this time in the South, its already warm enough that it wasn't desperately needed.

Then, this week on Sunday, my family and I come home from church to discover that the air conditioner upstairs isn't working. Oh joy! I had already decided that I would never get used to the hot and humid climate down here. It just doesn't make sense that it could be this humid outside with out there being rain involved. Also, it amazes me how cool 90 degrees feels after 6 straight 102 degree days. So, here's the thing. It's been 95 degrees outside all this week, and now I have to sleep upstairs in it. We opened windows and had fans going, but it still didn't get cool enough to really sleep until about 1 am. Fortunately, the repair men gave us an estimate and fixed it within two days (thank God it wasn't any longer than that).

However, the repair men left a wake. While they were installing the new thermostat upstairs, they hit a wire or something, loosing all the electricity in both my brother's room and mine. Zero electricity moving through my room. I just had to laugh. If its not one problem, its bound to be another. So, we had electricians in our house this morning to fix it. At least we didn't have to pay for this. That's a pretty big bonus for us.

Problems like this with our house happen often. Too often. It means that my family is always on their toes. We're always paying off all the appliances that have broken and have had to be replaced. Its very depressing when I stop to think about it. All the irony and unexpected twists of fate are only fun on the most outer levels. For instance, because of all these uninvited issues with everything, we can't afford to do things that actually matter quite a bit. One of those things being driver's education for me. I love to drive and I'm really ready to get my license right now, but I'm required to take the class which is something we simply can't do right now. I think I'm more bitter about it than I'd care to admit. Also, my new church here has a lot of events that go on during the summer. And I mean a lot! But everything costs a money (because most of them are trips). It sort of makes me the red-headed stepchild of the teens there. Its not altogether fun.

Then again, there are always good things. A silver lining if you will. I have a roof over my head (even if its leaking...not really). I have food in my stomach (most of the time, but that's my brother's fault), and I have air in my lungs, a book, some paper, a pen, and my wits about me. I'm sure I can survive on that.

Not to mention the never-ending stream of hysterical humor that gradually keeps moving me towards insanity. XD

Monday, June 16, 2008

My epiphany for the day

I think I've just had an epiphany. You know what? I'm going to be a Junior next year. I mean, obviously, but I've realized what that means. That means that I'm going to be a Junior.

How weird is that?

That means that I'm only four semesters away from graduating. I'm four semesters away from moving out and doing what I want! Part of me is ecstatic with that notion, but another part is shaking in her boots.

Moving out. That means that I'll be free to live where I want. I won't be weighed down to this place. I'll be able to leave the state (well, I do that just about every day, but that's beside the point). I'll finally be able to chase the dreams I've been longing for.

What a funny feeling. I'm thrilled and petrified all at the same time.

On a more basic level, though, that means that I'm going to be a Junior. That means that I'm going to be an upperclassman! No more Freshman and Wise-fools for me, I'm moving up with the big dogs! By the way, M, you'd better murder some apples for me in the Junior-Senior cafeteria this year!! LOL. ;D

Along with being an upperclassman, being a Junior also means that I'm eligible to attend the prom. Prom. Its like a curse word. *sigh* I didn't realize prom was part of a Junior year until my YA Librarian and I were discussing it. Ugh. Why?!?! Prom is annoying enough without feeling obligated to go to it. It might be fun to go to with friends (maybe I'll go up there and drag M to hers...that would be fun), but it's still prom. Prom is the perfect excuse for idiot teens to get drunk, reek some havoc, and sleep with their date. Its so disgusting. What happed to just having fun at a dance? Now its all about how much to spend on a dress, where to go for dinner, what limo would get the most reaction, and which hotel would be best to spend the night in. Bleh. No thanks.

But that aside, I'm still going to be a Junior. That's absolutely crazy.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Working hard for the Monopoly money!

Yeah, I feel sort of bad about writing this after reading your latest post, M, but I'm still sort of invigorated with a love of writing. I can't stop writing! If I'm not volunteering, I'm writing, and then when I'm not writing, I'm reading! All day!! 12 HOUR WORK DAYS!!!! But I'm currently only working for non-existent Monopoly money, but hey, if I keep writing, I could get published!!


So yeah, I thought I'd take a break from my planning to talk about my planning (I've got a sort of "one-track" mind right now). Here are my ideas (only you, M, are likely to understand them, but if you can't, don't worry...its in code. XD):

First of all, I finally determined exactly how many books it would take to tell the story. I came up with five. Yes, five. Five whole novels to tell this story. Is that insane or what?! That's a series!! I'm going to write a series!! Yahoo!!!!!

Moving along, the first book is called AF: Cage Rattlers. It will start off with Katana picking up Aidan from the harbor and taking him to his new home, otherwise known as the Nine Headquarters (any better suggestions for the term "headquarters"?). From there, the story will be mostly introductions until teams Four and Seven find themselves in a pinch and Nine has to go save them. In this pinch, the captain of Four is killed (sadly) which kind of sets the mood for the world in which they live.

Now, I should have explained this sooner, but what I'm writing down here is very basic and rough. I have more detailed notes that I've taken, but even those are pretty simple. Also, I can't have people stealing all the ideas that will put me on the bestseller list, can I? ;P

The second book is titled AF: Masquerade. I'm not entirely sure how this book begins yet, but the first twist in the plot involves Axel being reveled. Axel, the character believed to have been dead the past two years and also believed to have been a trustworthy captain of Nouveau, is apparently working for the Council. Oops. So, needless to say, this stirs up all sorts of emotion all over Nouveau, but on a more serious note, Aidan must have his "chip" removed out of fear that Axel may try to use the new guy's newness to his advantage. After this, things go pretty normally, except for the whole Axel deal. Nine recovers a bomb and faces difficulty with that (call or e-mail me if you have specific questions). Finally, towards the end of the book, Katana is captured and must (basically) fight her way out. That's always fun.

The third book is AF: Catching Death. I love this title! You know how moms will say "You'll catch your death out there"? That's basically what this novel is filled with. For starters, the Council develops a toxin that sweeps through the city, infecting almost everyone in one form or another. Nearly one hundred citizens alone die from it. Not so good. So that sets the mood for the whole novel (because Nouveau is fighting against this throughout it all). After this, there is yet another dramatic "mission" by Nine (again, if you have questions, contact me). The Board then starts having to deal with threats and attacks brought on by some of the more annoying members of the Council. Finally, to close the book, half of the Nine is separated and is on the run from Council goons. Or, at least, they were goons until the Council decided to send robots after them instead. Oh joy.

The fourth book is AF: Retribution. The 4th book begins where the 3th book left off. Nine is still on the run, but they return pretty quickly into the novel. When they return, Katana goes off to a business meeting with her evil father. Yay! The rest of the novel, as far as I know, is fairly boring (unusually), that is, until Nine starts getting wind of a possible plot by the Council. They have no idea what it is, but they know that it's unlike any stunt they've pulled so far. Soon after their suspicions are confirmed by an outside source, the Council calls "check mate". All branches of Nouveau are simultaneously attacked and nearly wiped out. And that, my friends, is where this book ends. Oh the suspense.

The fifth and final book is AF: Ultimatum. This one starts with the survivors of the attack meeting to decide whether they will surrender peacefully or stand and fight knowing the odds are terribly against them. Katana stands and says that she will stay and see Nouveau through to the end. A small number of loyal people (ten, actually) follow her in her decision. Everybody else gives themselves up. How pathetic. Anywho, from then on, the small surviving group of Nouveau runs from place to place simply trying to stay alive. Luckily, after a short period of time, one member of the Council who had always been undecided on who to stand for suddenly leaves the Council and joins Katana in her cause. Together, they form a plan of attack and overthrow the Council. A happily ever after.

Comments are WONDERFULLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!! Please tell me what you think so I know I'm not sitting here at this dull computer screen for a dumb story!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Twilight (sigh, not again)

Okay, let me get this off my chest. If I don't, I'll become obsessed. And if that happens, there is a very good likelihood that I will shoot myself in the foot...with my dad's shotgun. That is precisely how much I can't stand liking (correction, loving) this book.

So yes, I've said it. I like the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Even when I re-read it, it still got my heart rate up! I still can't think of the last book that caused a physical change like that in me! What's up with that?

However, as I told you, M, there were some things I didn't so much care for. The good news is, all of that was a result of Meyer's writing style which inevitably cannot be transfered into the movie. That's good. That's good because if those same problems end up being in the movie too, I'll shoot my other foot. God must be looking out for me. <3

Ugh! I can't even get myself to return the book back to the library! And I keep going back to YouTube to see the same THREE (count them, 3) videos that they have made for the movie!! Okay, breathe. I just need to breathe. Breathing in...breathing out. Good.

Maybe now would be a good time to take a break and watch my favorite videos. My three favorites happen to be on the official movie website for Twilight. Watch them! (that includes you M, and I am here and now officially recommending you, if not commanding you, to read Twilight if only for the sake of reading it before the movie comes out. I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH!!!) By the way, the movies are under the "video gallery" section


BUT WHY DOES ROBERT PATTINSON HAVE TO BE SO DARNED GOOD LOOKING?! Its funny, in the book, I was actually a little annoyed by Edward's good looks. But now I start drooling when I see the movie poster. Is that bad? I mean, I haven't had a healthy celebrity fascination in, gosh, I don't know how many years. Maybe its about time I had another one.

...Goodie. ^_^

Just to get this off my chest, here is my list of reasons why I am waiting so desperately for the movie to come out.

1) Rob Pattinson is gorgeous.

2) Rob plays the character Edward in a more creepy, curious way than Edward actually seems to in the book. This is VERY good. *drool*

3) Certain scenes have been modified so that they not only make more sense than they did in words, but they are also more fitting with the story and avoid all that terrible drama that I hate so much.

4) Certain scenes also take place in more reasonable settings. For example, a scene that is in a car in the book is suddenly in a forest (a very pretty one, I might add) in the movie.

*sigh* This is what happens when I've read only Twilight. That's right, I have not yet read New Moon or Eclipse.

Oh goodness...this cannot end well.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I have survived!!

This past school year has been the hardest school year for me, bar none. I've faced new, very different people, Freshman, and myself.

I really can't even describe all that I've felt. While I was still in Indy, I was confident in my ability to adapt to change. I was convinced I could handle it. After all, I love change. Oh gosh. No one has the ability to handle this. Since I got here, I've gradually fallen deeper and deeper into the realization that I'm simply not happy here. And that's pretty big for me to admit, even if its just to myself.

I also believed that I could handle the new people. I thought that I was a strong enough person to take on everyone. I would have sworn that I was happy enough being unique. I've now come to the understanding that I was, maybe even am, nothing without my best friend (yeah, that's right, I'm talking about you M). In fact, my so-called "originality" has suffered this past school year. Don't die M, I'm not giving in yet.

I think this would be a good time to mention at least something small that's good. As I started seeing the changes in me, I decided that I couldn't rely on other people to give me confidence. So, I developed a dream. I've been lacking a dream, or really any sort of belief in myself. My dream involves in me being different and set aside, which I think is how it should be. It will also involve a lot of work and it will test my character in more ways than one, but I truly believe that I can do it. And...I don't think I'll settle for less, as terrible as that sounds.

I've also noticed that there is actually a very large difference between Sophomores and Freshman! Shocker! It's not that they're completely stupid or anything, it's that they're completely immature in the ways of high school and being a teenager. M said it best: Freshman year is like an extended 8th grade year. You're not in middle school, but you certainly don't act like a high schooler. I can't figure them at all, but hey, this is the LAST time that I'll have to live with any of this. Even though I'll never be able to avoid the fact that I will still graduate with half the diploma than I would've if I were back at my other school.

And I think that may be all that I can put into words right now. All I can really say to conclude this is I AM SO GLAD ITS OVER!!! The school year, that is. My issues with the move will continue. Ugh. :]

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another random excerpt

"No, Dad, " I spat out at him, glad to be rid of that awful word, "this ends right now." Just after I said that, I felt nine pairs of shocked eyes staring at me.

For a moment I felt a little panicked. Dad? I shouldn't have just thrown personal information out in front of my team like that. How could I be so stupid?

After I had regained a normal heart rate, I realized my mistake may not have been so serious. Yes, I just gave away the single most important detail in my life, but I meant what I said. This, all of this, ends here, now, in this room. Blood father or no, this man is going to die by his unworthy daughter's sword, and nothing about my past means much after that.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Literary Contest rough drafts

I'm not finished writing the rough draft of my short story, but here are two poems I've completed so far:


Run. Move. Faster.
I've got to get away from here.
I've got to get away from this place.

Where can I go?
I can't go back.
I won't go back.

These demons keep chasing me.
These ghosts keep haunting me.
These shadows keep watching me.

They won't go away.
They'll never go away.
I'll always feel their breath on my neck.

I have to show them who I am.
I have to show them I am better.
I have to survive.

I will survive.
I will run and I will move faster.
I will get away from here.
I will escape.

Queen of Broken Hearts

They say Wonderland is the most wonderful place,
But it is here where my people come to me.
My broken people.

They say Wonderland is the most wonderful place,
But it is here that I wait for someone to come and make something of this void.
To heal me.

They say Wonderland is the most wonderful place,
But it is here where my sister, my twin, is free to roam.
I am her shadow.

They say Wonderland is the most wonderful place,
But it is not for me nor is it for Alice.
But I am not Alice.
I am a queen.
A Queen of Broken Hearts.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I feel like posting...

This is a quote from a short story I'm working on right now. The person talking is a nameless man dying of terminal wounds after a massacre.

"There is a common belief that the sun will rise tomorrow and the next day and the next day. However, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such guarantee in life. So, in that knowledge, I will live today and only today because tomorrow does not exist."

Now, this is a snigbit from the same short story that I have yet to write.

"Take this," he says as he gently pulls up the sword, that beautiful sword, and holds it out to me.
My hands shaking, I reach out to take the shining sheath from his hands. I don't even look at the man; I only have eyes for what's in front of me.
I pause in mid reach. "What?"
The man looks up into my face and locks his eyes to mine. "You have to swear to me on your life and honor that the City Council will fall by this sword. I was too human to have done it myself, but this way, a part of me will be a part of whatever comes next. Will you swear this to me? This is not something to be taken lightly."
I admit I did have to think about it. If I gave my word, my life would be forever controlled by this. Did I want that sort of commitment? I hated the Council, yes, but how much was I willing to devote?
I laughed under my breath. Of course. Now I know the answer. Whether I like it or not, whether I'm ready for it or not, I know the answer.
"I swear to you on my life and honor that I will bring forth the fall of the City Council."

Friday, May 9, 2008

Excerpt from my book

I had to laugh at the situation. What could have possessed this fine officer to dump a 14-year-old girl-child into my interrogation room?

Then again, I have heard of stranger things happening around stranger people. I immediately shook the thought out of my head. Not with a child. Not with a girl. Not with Nouveau.

I plastered a playful smile on my face and bent down low to look down into the girl's eyes. They were incredibly big, beautiful hazel eyes. She still had the eyes of a child. Yet, they were oddly distant and cold. No, these were not a child's eyes. These were the eyes of a child that had seen too much of the worst in the world.

She just sat there, waiting. She was completely emotionless. There was no fear, anger, happiness, or any feeling at all in her. She only stared.

I must admit that this child had me baffled.

Well, I obviously wasn't getting anywhere with silence, so I tried another approach. "So what do you want to be when you grow up, sweetie?" I asked her with as much sweet sincerity as I could muster.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Alive in the Night

Beads of sweat run down my face. I'm wet with it. My arms and legs are sticky with the moist second skin.

I take in quick, shallow breaths.

I love this feeling.

Wind is rushing past me, flipping my hair all around face, sticking to my eyelids and cheeks. I don't care. I never do. This is the best feeling in the world. If speed is a poison, then I am drunk with it. There is no other intoxication that could ever make me feel this way, to feel this life beat within me.

I am in control. My hands hold my life. Everything.

What is it about these nights and these lights that intrigues me so? What is it about this asphalt that makes me want to feel it beneath me forever?

Faster do I move. Louder do I make the engine sing. Farther do I make the speedometer go, and farther do I travel away from sanity.

To me now, love is something unknown, hate is something I have forgotten, and fear is coursing through my every vein.

How could I possibly go back to life like yours? That is not life. What you have is not what I want. I want to stay here forever. I will never go back.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And thus my spew begins...

This is my blog. My oh so wonderful blog. This is my blog about nothing and everything. This is where I will write whatever pleases me at the moment. No, I am not concerned with what you might want to read because a very wise writer once said "write to please yourself" and intend to do just that. I will write about life, my characters, my hopes and dreams, and my wonderland that I wake up to every morning. Sure, there may be that evil Queen of Hearts lurking around the next corner, but hey, if she weren't, I may have nothing to write about. :)