What's In My Ears

Friday, May 9, 2008

Excerpt from my book

I had to laugh at the situation. What could have possessed this fine officer to dump a 14-year-old girl-child into my interrogation room?

Then again, I have heard of stranger things happening around stranger people. I immediately shook the thought out of my head. Not with a child. Not with a girl. Not with Nouveau.

I plastered a playful smile on my face and bent down low to look down into the girl's eyes. They were incredibly big, beautiful hazel eyes. She still had the eyes of a child. Yet, they were oddly distant and cold. No, these were not a child's eyes. These were the eyes of a child that had seen too much of the worst in the world.

She just sat there, waiting. She was completely emotionless. There was no fear, anger, happiness, or any feeling at all in her. She only stared.

I must admit that this child had me baffled.

Well, I obviously wasn't getting anywhere with silence, so I tried another approach. "So what do you want to be when you grow up, sweetie?" I asked her with as much sweet sincerity as I could muster.


1 comment:

Kelifer said...

*applauds* Yay! The first of your book has finally been revealed! I haven't seen much writing from you either ;D (I was getting worried) NO! I knew all along there was something brewing in that fancy head of yours! Great job, A! I want so much more!