What's In My Ears

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Twilight (sigh, not again)

Okay, let me get this off my chest. If I don't, I'll become obsessed. And if that happens, there is a very good likelihood that I will shoot myself in the foot...with my dad's shotgun. That is precisely how much I can't stand liking (correction, loving) this book.

So yes, I've said it. I like the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Even when I re-read it, it still got my heart rate up! I still can't think of the last book that caused a physical change like that in me! What's up with that?

However, as I told you, M, there were some things I didn't so much care for. The good news is, all of that was a result of Meyer's writing style which inevitably cannot be transfered into the movie. That's good. That's good because if those same problems end up being in the movie too, I'll shoot my other foot. God must be looking out for me. <3

Ugh! I can't even get myself to return the book back to the library! And I keep going back to YouTube to see the same THREE (count them, 3) videos that they have made for the movie!! Okay, breathe. I just need to breathe. Breathing in...breathing out. Good.

Maybe now would be a good time to take a break and watch my favorite videos. My three favorites happen to be on the official movie website for Twilight. Watch them! (that includes you M, and I am here and now officially recommending you, if not commanding you, to read Twilight if only for the sake of reading it before the movie comes out. I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH!!!) By the way, the movies are under the "video gallery" section


BUT WHY DOES ROBERT PATTINSON HAVE TO BE SO DARNED GOOD LOOKING?! Its funny, in the book, I was actually a little annoyed by Edward's good looks. But now I start drooling when I see the movie poster. Is that bad? I mean, I haven't had a healthy celebrity fascination in, gosh, I don't know how many years. Maybe its about time I had another one.

...Goodie. ^_^

Just to get this off my chest, here is my list of reasons why I am waiting so desperately for the movie to come out.

1) Rob Pattinson is gorgeous.

2) Rob plays the character Edward in a more creepy, curious way than Edward actually seems to in the book. This is VERY good. *drool*

3) Certain scenes have been modified so that they not only make more sense than they did in words, but they are also more fitting with the story and avoid all that terrible drama that I hate so much.

4) Certain scenes also take place in more reasonable settings. For example, a scene that is in a car in the book is suddenly in a forest (a very pretty one, I might add) in the movie.

*sigh* This is what happens when I've read only Twilight. That's right, I have not yet read New Moon or Eclipse.

Oh goodness...this cannot end well.


Kelifer said...

Oh my goodness, you HAVE reached obsession! But I suppose you're right; maybe I should give this book a try. lol And I can't help but smile at your "love" of Robert Patterson *shakes my head* My friend, you've finally learned what it is to be a fangirl of someone handsome...*laughs*

Alice in Wonderland said...

ROLF It's sad, isn't it? XD