What's In My Ears

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, I don't have anything prepared to write and I certainly haven't written anything particularly interesting recently, so I'm just going to spout out all sorts of nonsense. How cool is that?

The most interesting thing I've done with AF is come up with some new quotes and random scenes (which I have yet to write out completely). Would you like to hear some of the quotes? Yes, of course you would. But I swear, if you steal them without my permission, I will rip out your spine and beat you with it. No joke.

"I'll sleep when I can sleep with both eyes closed." -Katana

"My life is a worst-case scenario. Plan on it." -Katana

"You're running on empty, Katana. You and the rest of Nouveau. You can't keep going like this forever." -Maximillien

"I'm not asking you to trust everyone Yoko, I'm just asking you to trust me." -Azzo

"What are you going to do?" (Ze) "We're going to give them hell." (Katana)

Yeah, they're not superb, but they'll do for now. I'm still frustrated with the character of Aidan. I keep calling him a main character and a good chunk of the story is told by him, but I don't "know him". I don't have a personality or a motive or anything for him! It's driving me crazy!! (Azzo, on the other hand, is starting to make me blush. I love him so much! *huggles Azzo*)

Speaking of awesome characters that make me blush. Let me rant about Fang and the rest of the totally wicked awesome series Maximum Ride by James Patterson. Yeesh. If you thought I was bad about the Twilight series, wait 'till I get going on Maximum Ride. A guy in my English class introduced me to it earlier this year (before the whole Twilight thing) and I swear it was love at first sight. Okay, maybe not that serious. But I do love the characters SO much and I have since the beginning. Especially Max (Maximum Ride, the girl after whom the book is titled) and Fang (the "tall, dark, and handsome" "strong and silent" type guy who has me gushing).

Now, just to be perfectly clear. Fang is not like Edward Cullen in any way shape or form. Actually, there isn't even much of a hint of a relationship between him and Max until the second book. And that's all their relationship really is. A hint. Stuff happens. But nothing serious. So M, don't be put off simply because I said that Fang has me gushing.

Back to the rest of the series. Did I met ion that absolutely adore this story? Of course, later in the series it becomes apparent that the villain that Max and the rest of the flock have to save the world from is global warming (ugh, gag me), but its still good enough to read. There were parts of the fourth book that had me laughing out loud (because of the global warming rants), but I swear, even with that, I still am totally in love with the story. Okay, not so much the story as the characters. The characters are so real and cool that they write the story themselves and cover up all the laughable global warming crap...and that's saying something!

Well, I think I've gone on talking long enough. So I'll leave you with this: THE MAXIMUM RIDE MOVIE WILL BE COMING OUT IN 2009/2010!!!!!!! WOOT!!

Oh, wait. Does anyone out there know how many times a person can burn so bad that they blister before they get melanoma? (hows that for random? ha!)


Kelifer said...

Hahaha Seems like you're having fun lately, A! 8D

Glad to see you're still working on AF, and the more you mention Maximum Ride, the more I get into it a bit (albeit the horrible global warming plot, which doesn't seem interesting to begin with). Oh well...lol

Alice in Wonderland said...

yeah, i just bought the first book (i'll send it to you if you'd like) and i realized how many things in the plot have yet to be addressed, so maybe the 5th book will be better than the 4th.