What's In My Ears

Friday, June 13, 2008

Working hard for the Monopoly money!

Yeah, I feel sort of bad about writing this after reading your latest post, M, but I'm still sort of invigorated with a love of writing. I can't stop writing! If I'm not volunteering, I'm writing, and then when I'm not writing, I'm reading! All day!! 12 HOUR WORK DAYS!!!! But I'm currently only working for non-existent Monopoly money, but hey, if I keep writing, I could get published!!


So yeah, I thought I'd take a break from my planning to talk about my planning (I've got a sort of "one-track" mind right now). Here are my ideas (only you, M, are likely to understand them, but if you can't, don't worry...its in code. XD):

First of all, I finally determined exactly how many books it would take to tell the story. I came up with five. Yes, five. Five whole novels to tell this story. Is that insane or what?! That's a series!! I'm going to write a series!! Yahoo!!!!!

Moving along, the first book is called AF: Cage Rattlers. It will start off with Katana picking up Aidan from the harbor and taking him to his new home, otherwise known as the Nine Headquarters (any better suggestions for the term "headquarters"?). From there, the story will be mostly introductions until teams Four and Seven find themselves in a pinch and Nine has to go save them. In this pinch, the captain of Four is killed (sadly) which kind of sets the mood for the world in which they live.

Now, I should have explained this sooner, but what I'm writing down here is very basic and rough. I have more detailed notes that I've taken, but even those are pretty simple. Also, I can't have people stealing all the ideas that will put me on the bestseller list, can I? ;P

The second book is titled AF: Masquerade. I'm not entirely sure how this book begins yet, but the first twist in the plot involves Axel being reveled. Axel, the character believed to have been dead the past two years and also believed to have been a trustworthy captain of Nouveau, is apparently working for the Council. Oops. So, needless to say, this stirs up all sorts of emotion all over Nouveau, but on a more serious note, Aidan must have his "chip" removed out of fear that Axel may try to use the new guy's newness to his advantage. After this, things go pretty normally, except for the whole Axel deal. Nine recovers a bomb and faces difficulty with that (call or e-mail me if you have specific questions). Finally, towards the end of the book, Katana is captured and must (basically) fight her way out. That's always fun.

The third book is AF: Catching Death. I love this title! You know how moms will say "You'll catch your death out there"? That's basically what this novel is filled with. For starters, the Council develops a toxin that sweeps through the city, infecting almost everyone in one form or another. Nearly one hundred citizens alone die from it. Not so good. So that sets the mood for the whole novel (because Nouveau is fighting against this throughout it all). After this, there is yet another dramatic "mission" by Nine (again, if you have questions, contact me). The Board then starts having to deal with threats and attacks brought on by some of the more annoying members of the Council. Finally, to close the book, half of the Nine is separated and is on the run from Council goons. Or, at least, they were goons until the Council decided to send robots after them instead. Oh joy.

The fourth book is AF: Retribution. The 4th book begins where the 3th book left off. Nine is still on the run, but they return pretty quickly into the novel. When they return, Katana goes off to a business meeting with her evil father. Yay! The rest of the novel, as far as I know, is fairly boring (unusually), that is, until Nine starts getting wind of a possible plot by the Council. They have no idea what it is, but they know that it's unlike any stunt they've pulled so far. Soon after their suspicions are confirmed by an outside source, the Council calls "check mate". All branches of Nouveau are simultaneously attacked and nearly wiped out. And that, my friends, is where this book ends. Oh the suspense.

The fifth and final book is AF: Ultimatum. This one starts with the survivors of the attack meeting to decide whether they will surrender peacefully or stand and fight knowing the odds are terribly against them. Katana stands and says that she will stay and see Nouveau through to the end. A small number of loyal people (ten, actually) follow her in her decision. Everybody else gives themselves up. How pathetic. Anywho, from then on, the small surviving group of Nouveau runs from place to place simply trying to stay alive. Luckily, after a short period of time, one member of the Council who had always been undecided on who to stand for suddenly leaves the Council and joins Katana in her cause. Together, they form a plan of attack and overthrow the Council. A happily ever after.

Comments are WONDERFULLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!! Please tell me what you think so I know I'm not sitting here at this dull computer screen for a dumb story!

1 comment:

Kelifer said...

Oh my GOD THE STORY IS FINALLY REVEALED!!!! I have way too many comments and feelings to express in a single comment 8D But I will say that I'm MORE PROUD OF YOU THAN EVER BEFORE!!! I so want to read this book now! (cereally, lol)