What's In My Ears

Monday, June 16, 2008

My epiphany for the day

I think I've just had an epiphany. You know what? I'm going to be a Junior next year. I mean, obviously, but I've realized what that means. That means that I'm going to be a Junior.

How weird is that?

That means that I'm only four semesters away from graduating. I'm four semesters away from moving out and doing what I want! Part of me is ecstatic with that notion, but another part is shaking in her boots.

Moving out. That means that I'll be free to live where I want. I won't be weighed down to this place. I'll be able to leave the state (well, I do that just about every day, but that's beside the point). I'll finally be able to chase the dreams I've been longing for.

What a funny feeling. I'm thrilled and petrified all at the same time.

On a more basic level, though, that means that I'm going to be a Junior. That means that I'm going to be an upperclassman! No more Freshman and Wise-fools for me, I'm moving up with the big dogs! By the way, M, you'd better murder some apples for me in the Junior-Senior cafeteria this year!! LOL. ;D

Along with being an upperclassman, being a Junior also means that I'm eligible to attend the prom. Prom. Its like a curse word. *sigh* I didn't realize prom was part of a Junior year until my YA Librarian and I were discussing it. Ugh. Why?!?! Prom is annoying enough without feeling obligated to go to it. It might be fun to go to with friends (maybe I'll go up there and drag M to hers...that would be fun), but it's still prom. Prom is the perfect excuse for idiot teens to get drunk, reek some havoc, and sleep with their date. Its so disgusting. What happed to just having fun at a dance? Now its all about how much to spend on a dress, where to go for dinner, what limo would get the most reaction, and which hotel would be best to spend the night in. Bleh. No thanks.

But that aside, I'm still going to be a Junior. That's absolutely crazy.


Kelifer said...

Wow, you never really do realize the meaning of that word till you think about it hard enough (or someone slaps you in the face with it like a dead trout). But yeah, I keep talking to my mom about when I'm going to turn 18 (I'm literally counting down the months; it's like, 13 and a half months away for God's sake!) And if you didn't get the memo, I am going to prom this year! (with whom, I'm not sure, but I hope it's a special someone...hahaha) Really I want to go because it would be the last time Laura has prom, so no sex and booze for me ;D (I'll stick with my Sangria, thank you)

And don't freak out: WE'RE GOING TO BE JUNIORS!!!! Woopee!

Alice in Wonderland said...

HOLY COW!! Is it really only 13 months until you turn 18?!?! That's crazy! For me I guess its something like...19 months. That's really creepy....I FEEL SO OLD NOW!!!! Thanks a bunch, pal! >(