What's In My Ears

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I has a poem!

Many people know that I am not the most talented when it comes to poems, but I try anyway. Anywho, I got an idea and I went with it. Surprisingly I got the idea during Chemistry, at least one good thing came out of that class.

So here it is: Retribution

You made the mistake
Of leaving me,
And I made the mistake
Of loving you,
With your smiles and your charms.

But now there you squirm
In that watery grave.
For help you plead
From the girl whose heart you
Tore out and left to bleed.

You left without a word
To ease my pain and
Now you look up at me hatefully
And scream in such anguish
As I smile down on you so lovingly.

You used to look at me
With that same love,
So full of lies,
But then you left
And now my love slowly dies.

I watch you drown,
Your lovely fingers clawing air,
And pray you feel
The same hatred for me
As I have held for you.

You scream again my name,
Claiming that retribution
Will have its way.
I say, “This is retribution,”
And then walk away.

Like it? Lots of comments!!

1 comment:

Kelifer said...

*O* This is my new "surprised" face...

A, considering we're doing poetry in English, I want to show this to the class and make them all feel super jealous that I personally know a living poetic AR-TISTE! Hmm, maybe I can see if Mr. Kenley wouldn't mind putting that in the LitMag for you this year even though you're not a student...xD

Oh, BTW, me and Brian from French class made our own lame poem during English, and he even told me he submitted for the LitMag xD It's about Edgar Allen Poe...heeheehee