What's In My Ears

Friday, January 23, 2009

All to please my fans...(ha)

I have another poem. Yeah, ANOTHER poem. No good poems in 3 years and suddenly I can't stop writing them. So yeah, I have more. Many more. I like this one more than some of the others though so I'm posting it (however, my favorite is still Retribution from my last post), but if you want to hear more from my poetry craze, post me a comment and I'll get them to you. Of course, critiques and suggestions are always welcomed (and then stabbed in the foot...jk).

This is Weaving a Dream:

I'm weaving a dream,
Not sure of how it will seem.
Into it I pour my heart,
My hopes, my esteem.

My life this tapestry consumes,
And I pray that soon it blooms
Into something beautiful
That greatness assumes.

This weaving becomes a chore.
My fingers grow sore,
My arms are aching,
I am not sure I can do it anymore.

This work I now detest,
Though it should be my very best.
My threads twist and mangle,
Should this all be a test?

I unravel the weave and start anew,
The tapestry strong and true.
I hold to my strokes and
Let my dream make its debut.

Watch it shine,
This work of my own design.
It is beauty and it is grace,
Yet there is still room to refine.

For this dream I toil,
And never will I foil
For this is my work
And for nothing will it ever spoil.

I feel the night is nigh,
But I am not afraid to say goodbye,
For I am weaving a dream,
A dream that will never die.

1 comment:

Kelifer said...

A, you need to publish this in a real book 8D

Speaking of which, I'm going to talk to Mr. Kenley about posting some of your work if you're still interested. The drawback this year is that because they're doing a book (something to do with them being a seperate group now from the Mill-Stream staff), they're going to possibly charge donations if you're submitting something, to help pay for it all.

Again, I would LOVE to help you submit some work into the book this year! 8D