What's In My Ears

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Picture time!

I'm really bored, so I thought I'd post some semi-new stuff I got for AF. Be warned, its quite stupid.

See, I love photography and looking at pictures others have taken. You must also know that I absolutely ADORE cheesy phrases (although those aren't featured here) and lyrics to songs. So, what happened is that I thought one day, "hey, I think I'll go online and find pictures of people that I can use to represent some of my characters. And, while I'm at it, I'll find cheesy songs that represent them too. Genius!" So the product is this: (the songs I found have been accumulated into the playlist above and are songs for either Katana or Nouveau as a whole)

The pictures here of my characters are not exact by any means, but you get the basic idea. For instance, Katana's hair is usually tied back, Aidan does not have curly hair (but if you like it, that can change), and Azzo looks a couple years older than this. Anywho, on with the pictures:




Random other pictures that go along with AF:

So, did you like them? No, you probably thought it was a waste of a blog, but oh well. I wasted the time I needed. However, I actually do like this stuff, so if you like any of these pictures or have comments or even hate mail, please send it to me! Although, I'd rather not get the hate mail...

PS: these lovely photos are courtesy of DeviantArt.com

Friday, August 22, 2008


Gosh, I love high school. Usually I'm just annoyed by everyone, but this year I spend most of my day just laughing. For example, let me tell you about my day.

The history teacher I had last year is also the same one that I have for AP US History. She's so cool and our class has so much fun together (of course, it's also nice being in a class with only 8 other students in it ;D). Anywho, today was more funny than the usual. We were studying the early English colonies in the Americas (Roanoke, Newfoundland, Jamestown...) and in doing such, discussed some of the theorized reasons of what happened to Roanoke. And, I didn't know this, some people apparently actually believe that Roanoke and Atlantis are the same place. XD I got a kick out of that.

But even better yet: apparently there is a very large (like, gargantuan) difference between Walt Disney's version of Pocahontas and what actually happened. Now, most of this I already new, but I just found out the best details of the story today.

The Walt Disney Pocahontas:

The very handsome, very blonde-haired, blue-eyed John Smith comes to the Americas and meets the beautiful young woman Pocahontas. In the period of a few minutes, the two learn how to communicate in a complete language. In the period of a few days, the two fall into a love so deep that Pocahontas is determined that if John Smith is to die, so shall she. Then, in the movie's sequel, Pocahontas meets John Rolfe and journeys forth to England with him on a whim. The two slightly more slowly fall in love and on their way back to the New World, they share a kiss while venturing on towards the sunset. Aww.


John Smith was the only person in the Jamestown colony who cared enough about not dying of starvation (because everyone else was too concerned with finding gold). Pocahontas was 12 years old and bald (because Indian children had their heads shaved). They never fell in love. Years later, when Pocahontas is between the ages of 18 and 20, a war is going on between the English settlers and the Indians. The only thing that stalls this dispute is the marriage between Pocahontas and John Rolfe, although, there is belief that there was love in the relationship. The couple then spent a few years in England, but on the return trip, Pocahontas dies of illness. When the dispute between the settlers and Indians starts up again, John Rolfe can't help because he's too immersed in his tobacco industry.

Reality sucks.

Then, later on in Chemistry, we had a small quiz over different tools and such around the lab. One of the things on the quiz was a crucible (a crucible is a tiny bowl used for super-heating things). My teacher asked us if we new what the similarity between the crucible the object and The Crucible the book. No one knew. She then asked what The Crucible was about. Someone told her it was about the Salem witch trials. She then asked, knowing that, what we thought a crucible was for and someone muttered behind me, "Killing witches?" I burst out laughing, drawing much attention to myself.

*laughs* I don't know whether I've finally snapped, or if I'm just reasonably having fun.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, I don't have anything prepared to write and I certainly haven't written anything particularly interesting recently, so I'm just going to spout out all sorts of nonsense. How cool is that?

The most interesting thing I've done with AF is come up with some new quotes and random scenes (which I have yet to write out completely). Would you like to hear some of the quotes? Yes, of course you would. But I swear, if you steal them without my permission, I will rip out your spine and beat you with it. No joke.

"I'll sleep when I can sleep with both eyes closed." -Katana

"My life is a worst-case scenario. Plan on it." -Katana

"You're running on empty, Katana. You and the rest of Nouveau. You can't keep going like this forever." -Maximillien

"I'm not asking you to trust everyone Yoko, I'm just asking you to trust me." -Azzo

"What are you going to do?" (Ze) "We're going to give them hell." (Katana)

Yeah, they're not superb, but they'll do for now. I'm still frustrated with the character of Aidan. I keep calling him a main character and a good chunk of the story is told by him, but I don't "know him". I don't have a personality or a motive or anything for him! It's driving me crazy!! (Azzo, on the other hand, is starting to make me blush. I love him so much! *huggles Azzo*)

Speaking of awesome characters that make me blush. Let me rant about Fang and the rest of the totally wicked awesome series Maximum Ride by James Patterson. Yeesh. If you thought I was bad about the Twilight series, wait 'till I get going on Maximum Ride. A guy in my English class introduced me to it earlier this year (before the whole Twilight thing) and I swear it was love at first sight. Okay, maybe not that serious. But I do love the characters SO much and I have since the beginning. Especially Max (Maximum Ride, the girl after whom the book is titled) and Fang (the "tall, dark, and handsome" "strong and silent" type guy who has me gushing).

Now, just to be perfectly clear. Fang is not like Edward Cullen in any way shape or form. Actually, there isn't even much of a hint of a relationship between him and Max until the second book. And that's all their relationship really is. A hint. Stuff happens. But nothing serious. So M, don't be put off simply because I said that Fang has me gushing.

Back to the rest of the series. Did I met ion that absolutely adore this story? Of course, later in the series it becomes apparent that the villain that Max and the rest of the flock have to save the world from is global warming (ugh, gag me), but its still good enough to read. There were parts of the fourth book that had me laughing out loud (because of the global warming rants), but I swear, even with that, I still am totally in love with the story. Okay, not so much the story as the characters. The characters are so real and cool that they write the story themselves and cover up all the laughable global warming crap...and that's saying something!

Well, I think I've gone on talking long enough. So I'll leave you with this: THE MAXIMUM RIDE MOVIE WILL BE COMING OUT IN 2009/2010!!!!!!! WOOT!!

Oh, wait. Does anyone out there know how many times a person can burn so bad that they blister before they get melanoma? (hows that for random? ha!)