What's In My Ears

Sunday, December 28, 2008

*head desk*

Wow, how long has it been since I last wrote? Its funny how I start almost all my blogs off like that nowadays, but oh well. Life is busy, but life goes on.

Anywho, about Nouveau... Things are going slowly. I started on ch. 2, but then I hit a wall (ouch). A lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm still confused on the layout for the Nouveau series. I could easily make it a trilogy, but I love the titles too much! I could never sacrifice even one of them! So then I thought about simply adding to the story; adding more twists and turns to it. There are 2 problems with that though: 1) I suck eggs at adding twists to a story. I need help! 2) do you think that makes the story TOO long? I wonder if the story would be too boring then. However, my characters provide most of the interest in my story, Katana particularly. Which brings me to my next problem: when should my readers officially learn about Katana's father (the fact that her daddy is the most hated person in the story)? Should I really drop hints through 4 books? You'd think they'd find out about it before then. Plus, in the third book, Katana goes to a meeting with Moxely (her dad) and its kinda obvious that they're related. *exasperated sigh* I don't know...I really need outside opinions.

I have some clips I've written recently though:

I'll start with my favorite:

...And then she smiled darkly at me. She stared at me through beautiful, cold eyes that seemed eager for a fight.

That's when I knew.

That's when I realized how formidable of an opponent Katana could truly be.

In her eyes I saw a confidence that couldn't be thwarted; I saw no fear of death; and I saw no fear of killing.

In her eyes I saw every other man who had fallen under the weight of her gaze, and how few lived to wake up screaming at the memory.

That was something I thought up one morning before school. Its from Aidan's point of view, so I need to change it to 3rd person.

Next up: a prologue I wrote for Cage Rattlers

I ran.

I ran so hard and so long that my chest seared with useless, dry air. My bare, scraped feet throbbed with every pound against the rough, hard pavement. I felt as though I'd be sick. But I ran anyway.

I ran from my enemies. I ran from myself. And I ran from nothing. I ran for miles, passing countless buildings, only to return to my spot once again. And still I kept running.

Fear coursed inside me as thick as the blood that ran next to it. I didn't know why, but I had to run, to get away. So I ran. I ran and ran and ran until I collapsed. Familiar, hated voices came at me then. Then mocked me. Spat at me. Beat me, telling me everything I feared and knew to be true. They confirmed my darkest suspicions and labeled me by them. Then, when they were finally through, they moved in to finally end me.

I woke with a start. My breath was heavy and ragged as if I had actually run for hours. Sweat slid down my face, arms, and chest in beads.

I was only partially a dream though.

The rest was real.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed that! Give lots and lots of comments!!! Even more critiques please!

1 comment:

Kelifer said...

*hands you a bandaid* Hopefully soon you can show that wall who's boss >8D My wall keeps slamming into me before I can even get off the ground (try picturing that, I already have a funny image for it) lol

So far, LOVE the excerpts. The prologue is obviously short, but very fast paced and vague considering it's a dream, which I like. The scene of Aidan describing Katana's gaze is AMAZING. I love how you wrote so wonderfully! 8D

Ps: the word this site gave me to verify my comment is "swooff". I just wanted to say that xD