What's In My Ears

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hollywood, here I come

Forgive me, but I took a break to read a while and then for a while there I actually wrote a good chunk of my book (a "good" chunk being about thirty pages D:). Anywho, then I hit a wall in writing and came across a song I simply could not turn down. It inspired me so much that I sat down right then and there and made this video.

Well, to build suspence, I'll make you watch this shorty video I made a month or so ago.

Nouveau preview - Wake (by Linkin Park)

I hope it wasn't too bad, but now onto my favorite video I've made so far. Enjoy!

Nouveau preview - Our Solemn Hour (by Within Temptation)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nouveau has evolved!

Yes, my series Nouveau has taken on a new level of awesomness. Not only have I started re-writing it (I've officially finished chapter one...not a lot, but hey, on my schedule, that's pretty dang freakin awesome), but I've also....

...wait for it...


I'm so excited, cause it's so much fun! I've made two so far (see below), but I'll have many more on the way. Of course, if they totally suck and you think they are a waste of my most valuable extra time, by all means, tell me and my movie-making days will be done.

Anywho, I'm skipping ahead to the videos 'cause I'm just so excited!!! *does a little dance*

Now, that is actually my least favorite video. It was my experiment to see if I could do it. Even though I know it sucks, I hope at least you didn't throw popcorn at it.

This, my friends, is my favorite (of the two...as mentioned, I have more to make):

It's not Hollywood, duh, but it's still fun, don't you think? I can't wait to make some more. If you have any song suggestions or suggestions at all, who are you going to call? Yes, Ghostbusters. But then tell me. XD

Comment comment comment!!!

PS: the videos I used for "The Antidote" were Stormbreaker, The Covenant, and a couple Heroes episodes.

PSS: just so you know, I don't like Hayden Panettiere as my character Katana. She doesn't fit the right description outside of having blonde hair. Laura Ramsey from The Covenant fits much better, but I didn't actually want to go looking through The Ruins for clips of her. Bleh.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ah February...

Since it's February, the great month of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd post this last poem of mine. It's more personal to me than the others, so I like it...plus it trashes Prince Charming, which is just cool. Anywho, M, if you got my e-mail, then you probably already read this, but I'm posting it anyway. More Valentine's Day poems will likely be written, but will any of them be happy and romantic? Nope! :D (don't get me wrong though, I have nothing against love, it just hasn't found me yet)

Here it is: Happily Never After

It’s too late for
You and your white horse
To come around.
So return your costume
And take back that pony.

Don’t offer me love,
For it’s worthless to me now.
I’ve made my bed,
I’ve done my job,
And I’ve done it all without you.

I used to watch for you
From my castle window,
Praying someone such as you
Could save me from
This tower I’ve created.

Now I see I was
Only a fool,
A naïve little girl who was
Blinded by the desires of her heart,
Though not anymore.

Take that glass slipper away,
For surely it can’t be mine.
Mine shattered long ago
When you did not come
And troubles lingered far and wide.

Some stories are meant only for books.
I’m sick of these fairies,
I’m sick of these tales,
And I’m sick of your false promises
And stupid assumptions.

I’ve slayed my own dragons,
I’ve fought my own battles.
Though I cannot complain.
I’ve done what I’ve had to
To make it through the day.

I know you’re sad,
And I don’t expect you to understand,
But here it is plain and simple:
This is me
And my happily never after.

Oh, and something to look forward to (or cry about, either way): in Creative Writing we're going to write songs (which I thoroughly suck at), but I have an idea for a song called Broken Lullaby. It will be fairly dark/sad and will be about Katana. I'm excited! XD We'll see how it turns out though. O_O'

Friday, January 23, 2009

All to please my fans...(ha)

I have another poem. Yeah, ANOTHER poem. No good poems in 3 years and suddenly I can't stop writing them. So yeah, I have more. Many more. I like this one more than some of the others though so I'm posting it (however, my favorite is still Retribution from my last post), but if you want to hear more from my poetry craze, post me a comment and I'll get them to you. Of course, critiques and suggestions are always welcomed (and then stabbed in the foot...jk).

This is Weaving a Dream:

I'm weaving a dream,
Not sure of how it will seem.
Into it I pour my heart,
My hopes, my esteem.

My life this tapestry consumes,
And I pray that soon it blooms
Into something beautiful
That greatness assumes.

This weaving becomes a chore.
My fingers grow sore,
My arms are aching,
I am not sure I can do it anymore.

This work I now detest,
Though it should be my very best.
My threads twist and mangle,
Should this all be a test?

I unravel the weave and start anew,
The tapestry strong and true.
I hold to my strokes and
Let my dream make its debut.

Watch it shine,
This work of my own design.
It is beauty and it is grace,
Yet there is still room to refine.

For this dream I toil,
And never will I foil
For this is my work
And for nothing will it ever spoil.

I feel the night is nigh,
But I am not afraid to say goodbye,
For I am weaving a dream,
A dream that will never die.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I has a poem!

Many people know that I am not the most talented when it comes to poems, but I try anyway. Anywho, I got an idea and I went with it. Surprisingly I got the idea during Chemistry, at least one good thing came out of that class.

So here it is: Retribution

You made the mistake
Of leaving me,
And I made the mistake
Of loving you,
With your smiles and your charms.

But now there you squirm
In that watery grave.
For help you plead
From the girl whose heart you
Tore out and left to bleed.

You left without a word
To ease my pain and
Now you look up at me hatefully
And scream in such anguish
As I smile down on you so lovingly.

You used to look at me
With that same love,
So full of lies,
But then you left
And now my love slowly dies.

I watch you drown,
Your lovely fingers clawing air,
And pray you feel
The same hatred for me
As I have held for you.

You scream again my name,
Claiming that retribution
Will have its way.
I say, “This is retribution,”
And then walk away.

Like it? Lots of comments!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Can't put this off anymore...

"It is time". I quote the Lion King for this is a blog that I have put off for the last month or so. But now that I've quoted Lion King, I'll be sitting here mumbling "Mufasa..." and giggling for the next hour. My dad will confirm your disbeliefs. "Mufasa..." *giggle*.

Look at me, I'm still stalling. So...this is my second Twilight blog. This is the Twilight blog where I discuss the Twilight movie. God help me. I've put this off, because if I had written this after watching the movie, it would have sounded like hate mail, and I probably would have been arrested for making plans for the deaths of at least 5 people. I'm going to try not to get carried away now, but I can make no garantees.
Let's start by saying this: the movie sucked my brother's moldy socks. For anyone who saw the movie, this is a "duh" statement. Its also needless to say that it wasn't worth the 10 freaking bucks I spent to see the movie. I can't say it was a waste of 2 hours of my life, seeing as how I love having something to rant and rave about. Especially when it's something every other girl in the world is squealing about like dying pigs (you see the bitterness I feel for this, right?).

On to the 5 hated people. First, there's Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan. I've never seen an actress who s-s-stutters as much as she d-did in this movie. It was annoying!! Can she not remember her lines? Is that it? It can't be that hard (I'll get to that later). Ugh. Not to mention that she over-acts everthing. I was near hysterics laughing during the part where she realizes that Edward's a vampire. She is literally hyperventalating while she says that she's not afraid of him. I'm sitting there going, "Oh really?" The hosptial scene I can't even discribe. I'll put up this picture I found that I love so much. The best part about it is that this is EXACTLY how it happened in the movie.

Yeah. Pretty sad, huh? She's not the worst of them though. Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward Cullen, is much worse. MUCH worse. He was awkward. The character of Edward is not supposed to be awkward. He's supposed to be full of himself and overconfident, not at a loss for words. But he's REALLY not supposed to look as though he hasn't had a bowel movement in the last decade. In fact, no one's supposed to look like that. He just didn't need to act so serious. Serious is good, but that was overdone. In fact, there were only 2 scenes in the entire movie where he was laid back, and I must say that they were the 2 best scenes in the movie.
I refuse to get too carried away, so I'll just move on to the next victim. And that victim shall be...Jackson Rathbone who plays Jasper Hale. As much as I love Jackson off the screen, he was positively horrid in the movie. His expression throughout 99% of the film was that of someone who had a watermelon on a stick shoved up the anal area of the body. Quite unpleasant to experience, and even more to watch. His performance disappointed me more than any of the others. I expected the actors who played Bella and Edward to be overdone, but I was deeply saddend by Jasper. :'( See?

That's all for the actors and actresses that I had major issues with. I also was bothered by Alice's first formal entrance to the movie and Jake's blindingly white teeth against his dark skin, but I won't get into huge detail about those. Heehee, Jake's teeth made me laugh.

If you can count, which I hope you can, you know that I still have 2 people left to rag on. The next is whoever wrote the script. I mentioned earlier about how I couldn't understand why Kristen would have such problems with learning her lines. The script itself is why. I swear that the script to the entire Twilight movie has to be 20 pages, double-spaced. The entire movie was looking. Bella looking at Edward, Edward looking at Bella, the entire cast looking at nothing...the list goes on. No joke, there were entire scenes where not a word was spoken by anyone (except me whose in the audience muttering, "that's it?").

Last, but certainly not least in my list of people who ruined Twilight (though the book sucked to begin with), is Catherine Hardwicke, the director of the movie. I had such I respect for Catherine as a director, but this ruined everything. She was the one who should have told Robert, Kristen, and Jackson to tone it down a few hundred knotches. I also think she could have had some say in keeping important scenes in the book. My 2 favorite parts in the book were nowhere to be scene in the movie. It frustrated me. *sigh* I think I should end the rants there.

So that you don't leave hating me or my list of people, I'm going to completely end this blog on a funny note: I think I'm a vampire. Yeah, funny story. You might know that my eyes change color. Yeah, they change through various colors of green, brown, and hazel. Now, one day my eyes were a light shade of brown, almost a golden brown. It was really bright in my room when I looked in the mirror. I swear to you, my eyes were gold. Very vampirish. But wait, it gets better. A couple days later, I got out of the shower and went into my room (it was bright again) and I noticed something sparkling on my shoulder. My whole shoulder and part of my chest was sparkling. I burst out laughing. Forgive me, but I've died and now sparkle. I guess I'll meet up with the Cullen's in Forks now.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Another Nouveau clip

Here's another clip I've written recently. I didn't have enough room in my last post, but I thought it was still worth putting out there.

A floorboard creaked at the end of the hall.

Too late. It was too late. I was already crouching next to the wall without any doors close enough to duck into.

I restrained the erg to get up and run. To hide under the nearest bed or something. Instead, I forced myself to stay still and take quiet, shallow breaths. At least I still had the covver of night.

Whoever it was flicked on a light switch.


I slowly looked over my shoulder, expecting the worst. Instead I saw a young woman, a girl, standing there with a toddler balanced on her hip. She had light brown hair and bright green eyes. They stared at me as I stared back at them, both sides stunned into silence.

I knew who the girl was. Sarah Moxely. I'd known of her but hadn't actually seen her until then. She was Moxely's newest wife, and though the Council often lied about their wives' true ages, nothing could have prepared me for how young Sarah really was. Her profile may have said that she was twenty, but the girl standing in front of me was no older than myself. Sixteen or seventeen years old and she already had a child of her own.

I turned my gaze to the child. Yes. There was no mistake. The child had to be hers. He had the same shade of brown hair and same mystified eyes. Unfortunately, Maximillien was there too. The boy had the same strong jaw and high, regal-looking cheekbones.

Bitterness burned inside me. So dear Max finally had his beloved son. I didn't even know the boy, but at that moment I hated him enough to claw his eyes out.

Sarah hesitantly cleared her throat, which saved me from the horrible thoughts I had for the boy and his father.

"Y-you're Katana...aren't you?" she whispered.

"If you already know who I am, why are you asking?"

Sarah didn't say anything, probably waiting for me to pull out a gun or something.

I stood up to my full height. Sarah took a half-step back.

I sighed, "I'm not going to kill you, and though I'd like to kill the boy, I don't think that'd do me much good."

"His name is Nathan," Sarah said dumbly, though she did seem to relax a little. Nathan just sat in the girl's arm looking at me, silently sucking his thumb.

I started inching myself backwards towards the room I entered through.

Sarah noticed. She took a step towards me.

"Why did you come here?" she asked me curiously.

I didn't answer, just took another step backwards. Sarah took one more towards me.

"I won't tell anyone. I just want to know," Sarah persisted.

One more step, I thought. One more step and I'm through the door.

Sarah seemed to notice this too and lunged for me, trying to grab my arm. I slipped past her outstretched hand and bolted into the room. I ran to the open window, jumped through it, and ran off into the night.

"I know who you are!" I heard Sarah call out at me.

This stopped me dead. She'd already made it clear that she knew that I was Katana. So why say that she knew who I was? Unless...unless she knew who I was. Who I really was. Who almost no one else even knew existed.

I looked back at Sarah. She was leaning out the window with a serious look on her face.

I took a deep breath, trying not to show that I was close to a panic, and slid into the shadows.