What's In My Ears

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Okay, I need some serious opinions. I've been playing with ideas for AF again (ha, like I ever actually stop). More specifically I've been considering the setting.

You already know that it takes place in a futuristic society not really related in anyway to our reality. You also know that this is a written novel and not a graphic novel. So, I've been wondering exactly how futuristic I should make the story. See, if I make it super futuristic like one of Orson Scott Card's novels about the future of Earth, it requires a stronger basis for the setting, like basing in in Earth's future or on a planet most people are familiar with. If I just have a random super futuristic setting that's unrelated to anything and I'm using gadgets that some people might not understand, I'm just going to leave my reader's so confused they forget what the story's about, much less what's happening in it.

Therefore, I'm thinking about making the setting a little more present day. Have my characters use more modern weapons and have the city resemble more of New York than a future city on Mars. I'm going to dial down the technology. Not a whole lot though. Aidan and his family are still going to be inventors for super gadgets, but when you think about it, the "super gadgets" that I have in mind are already in some sort of plans right now.

Also, if I'm toning down the technology a little, I've considered changing the whole attire of Katana. I don't know if you remember the very detailed appearance she has. It's very difficult to describe in a book. So, I think I'm going to take off her "headgear" (ha ha) and arm band thing-a-ma-gigs. I'm going to keep her hair down, and I think I'll add a black smear into her hair. When I look, Avril Lavigne actually looks a lot like what I imagine Katana to look like, especially with the blonde hair and pink smear. And I promise, I only just realized that a few weeks ago. I've been drawing Katana for a couple years now.

(see, she even has the hazel eyes!)

Anywho, I'll draw up a "new" Katana and send it to you M.

What do you think? In your honest opinion of a written novel, would you read it and be genuinely interested? Without all my explanations of things in the past, do you think the story would make sense to you? PLEASE REPLY