What's In My Ears

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Something people could benefit from:

I've realized something today that I think people will benefit from. A sort of wisdom I guess. Well, maybe not wisdom, but I sure wish I had somebody to tell me this. Be warned though, it's religious. Please don't stop reading though. I promise I'm not going to scream "may the power of Christ compel you" and smack you with a Bible. That would be bad.

But seriously, I think I finally, and truly, understand why people give their lives to God. I was always taught that you did that because you loved him (or her, but personally, I don't think God's controlled by gender). That's not wrong, that is part of it, it's not like I've been lied to my whole life, but I've realized the heart of the matter. It's not that people have such wonderful lives on Earth as Christians (because that's not true at all), it's that comparatively, life SUCKS without God in it.

When I was studying the Bible and was a new Christian in 7th and 8th grade, I was passionate for God. He was the first thought on my mind, I prayed to him in between classes, I was peaceful, content, and happy. Of course, things weren't perfect. A Christian's life never is. People think that Christians have it easy, that they go to church because it's the easy way out. But it isn't! It's a daily struggle. Is it worth it? In my experience on both sides...yes. I'd say that yes, it's worth every tear shed.

When I say "both sides", I mean that, in the past year especially, I've fallen out of the passion that I once had. It's not that God isn't worth getting excited about, no! I wish I could scream his goodness at the top of my lungs and talk seriously with my best friend about how much love she can find in him. It all sounds cliche, I know, but I can't stress the truth in it enough.

Anyhow, I haven't shown my excitement for God to either my friends, strangers, or even God. It's terrible. And I realized today that I'm miserable about it. Not guilty, my life is just weighted and meaningless. I go through the motions day to day. I smile, I laugh, but peace and contentment is never found. The things I never used to care much about like money and material, worldly crap are suddenly on my mind more than God. It's terrible. It's not the life I want to live, especially after I've experienced a life with God.

I don't know what to tell people who aren't already familiar with God. I just wish there was somebody there when I was baptized to tell me that I was making the right choice. Eternal life aside, I don't want to live any life here on Earth unless it's for my God in Heaven. I'd rather die. Let me put it this way: When a person is given the choice of servanthood or death, which are they going to choose? Or, when a person is given the choice of serving a kind master or being a slave to a cruel master who will beat you down mentally and physically every day, which are they going to choose? It's still serving, but when serving a kind master, the person has the opportunities of love, freedom, and rewards at the end of their time.

I don't know if any of this makes sense to anyone, but I'm telling the truth. The honest to God truth. And I want everyone out there to know that the lives you're living are petty and harder than they need to be. After all, Jesus once said (I can't remember the actually verse) "come to me all who are weary". And I feel very worn out. What about you?