What's In My Ears

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My computer's back!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. My computer got so messed up that it took Edward (the wonderful computer friend of my mom's at the library) two weeks to sort out. Ugh. It was so full of cookies that it could have opened up its own store....and it didn't even bother giving me any...TT_TT I love cookies...(lol)

Anywho, my computer's back and I really wish I had something better to post than my everyday life. Unfortunately, I don't. I haven't had any spare time to write anything new, although I have been thinking quite a bit (dangerous, I know). I was thinking more specifically about my AF series and the layout and titles. Even when I came up with the layout of the five books, I wasn't too thrilled with it. The first five books seemed dull and boring to me. I wasn't even excited about writing them, where I'm absolutely ecstatic to start writing the final two books. So, in thinking, I've almost decided that I'm going to combine the first book (Cage Rattlers) and the second book (Masquerade) into one complete novel and call the new complete novel one of the two original titles or something new that's completely awesome (which I have yet to think of). Then, I'd either add on to the third book (Catching Death) or give it parts of the former Masquerade. What do you think, M?

I've also thought about changing the titles of the last two books. The forth book is presently called Retribution, but the title sounds odd to me. Besides, the only retribution that occurs in the novel, is the apparent retribution that the Council has on Nouveau, and really, who wants that? I'm 99% sure now that I'm going to change the title to Running on Empty (if you want more info, talk to me).

The fifth book's title (Ultimatum) actually NEEDS a change though. See, there really isn't an ultimatum in the book at all, so why call it Ultimatum? Yeah, I don't know either. Anywho, I've had more trouble coming up with an alternative title for the final book. Today though, I finally narrowed the search down to three: A Chance to Die, Giving Hell, and Hell to Pay. They're all pretty dark titles, but the final books is probably the darkest. M, I need your help SO much with this. If you have any thoughts what-so-ever, I want to hear them!!

Well, that's all the major news I have. Although, I did just get home from driving in the rain. Now, of course that's really not such a big thing, but it is to me. About this time last summer, I was in the first car accident of my life. We (my dad, brother and I) were driving along the interstate in the pouring rain on our way from SC to IN. In Kentucky, we hydroplaned and hit a rock wall three times. Needless to say, it was fairly traumatic. And now I'm driving. In the rain. Naturally, I've driven in the rain before, but it was only sprinkling. Another thing you should know is that down here in the south, when it rains, it rains hard. Extreme outbursts of rain so thick you can't see more than four feet in front of you are common. So when I was driving this afternoon, it was pouring cats and dogs. No joke, I was shaking like a leaf the whole time. I nearly peed my pants. *laughs* But I lived! Thank God for that!

Oh, did I mention that the roads are terrible around here, so puddles the size of Lake Michigan form right in the middle of the road where unsuspecting drivers just graze right over ready to hydroplane? Yeah.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Epilogue (for Ultimatum)

So here I am again. I've come full circle.

I listen to the rustling of the bright green leaves and feel the lively spring breeze play through my hair and nestle against my skin. Everything is so much more pleasant than the first time I was here. Then, everything seemed dead and threatening. Then, everything was hopeless. Now, even these trees have found reason to celebrate.

Has it really been five years since the first time?

I find the tree I'm looking for and stop under its wide canopy. It's grown since I was last here. That's not surprising, of course, but I am surprised to see that the scar hasn't healed it its time. I smile as I reach up and touch that scar. The sword on my back seems so much heavier as I do.

Having seen the place where my nickname originated, I take a deep breath and peer around to the other side of the tree to where my passion originated. The area between two roots still seems depressed with the weight of a body. Of course, there's nothing there, but the essence of that man remains here. Here with my vow. Waiting for the fulfillment of that vow.

I smile down at the invisible figure of a dying man.

"It's done," I say.

Then, I take out my sword - this beautiful katana given to me five years ago - and push it into the soft soil beneath the tree. Then, I leave.